Missions and Cooperations with other Orgaizations Using the Church
Missions with our local
and greater community
Hunger Alleviation Programs
Belly Bus Ministry
Franklin County Community Meals Program
Food Pantry
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Ministerial Support
Lay Servant Ministry
Leading worship services in area churches
as needed.
Support to Salvation Army and Rural Economic
Maine Ministries
Annual baby shower ministry - providing children's clothing to families in need.
Ringing the Bell for Salvation Army Pot Collections
Immediate Need Response
School and Health Kits

Cooperation and Support of local groups using the church.
Recovery Groups meeting at FUMC, downstairs
Narcotics Anonymous
Attitude of Gratitude, Monday, 6:30 - 8:oo PM
Living Clean, Tuesday, 7:oo - 8:30 PM
A New Way, Friday, 7:oo - 9:oo PM
Alcoholics Anonymous
Sober Saturday, Saturday, 12;00 - 1:00 PM
Education/ Justice/ Peace Organizations
Racial Justice Rising
progams to be determined
Música Franklin
- musicafranklin.org
afternoon school music program
- musicafranklin.org